Saturday 14 November 2009

Shoes maketh the woman

It’s interesting how women's shoes seem to influence their dancing styles – or is it the other way round? The other night I was chatting to another tanguera when a particularly good dancer passed us by but without his usual partner.

His new partner was a petite blonde who wears beautiful pink shoes which tie up with winding pink ribbons up her leg. She moves very lightly and gracefully and you can easily picture her as a ballerina. I thought it was quite interesting as normally the tanguero and his partner dance in a very dramatic, ‘spiky’ way but with this new partner, he danced smoothly and more lightly. I mentioned this to my friend and we agreed that certain women dance in a particular style and the best milonguero will adapt to this and allow the woman’s style to be showcased.

This led onto a light-hearted discussion of how many dancers and their shoe-styles fit together. There is the regal queen (amazing posture) who dances with an elegant pair of purple and gold heels, the coquettish polka dot girl (you should see her dance milonga!) and then the leopard-print pointy shoe diva whose dramatic moves are slightly scary to watch! Perhaps this is a useful tip for men at a milonga searching for a partner. Check out her footwear and see if it matches her style!

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